
Brent Woods Brent Woods

Between Love and Art: Dana and Patrick's Lake Charles Portrait Session

Couple kissing while posing for a photo shoot in Lake Charles

While browsing Facebook, I discovered a listing for an old building in downtown Lake Charles. One room in particular captured my imagination – it looked untouched by time, offering a striking contrast for an elegant photoshoot. This setting, a fusion of the old and the emerging, seemed aptly reflective of Lake Charles itself, especially in its rebuilding phase post-Hurricane Laura.

The Couple's Story

Dana and Patrick have been a couple for more than the decade I've known them. Their relationship is characterized by a deep, quiet strength, evident in their mutual understanding and respect. It’s a love that’s communicated not in words, but in their actions and the subtle ways they connect.

Up close photo of couple kissing

Conceptualization of the Shoot

The goal was to encapsulate elegance amidst the rustic charm of the building. Dana and Patrick played a vital role in this creative process. Their choices in outfits and styling significantly influenced the shoot, ensuring it mirrored their personal taste and the unique theme we envisioned.

Woman looking out of a window in downtown Lake Charles while on a photo shoot

Location and Setting

We chose a specific room for the shoot, which stood out for its distinct character, vastly different from any studio. The room's aged walls and historical feel added depth to the photos, creating an authentic and intriguing atmosphere.

Landscape image of an abandoned room in downtown Lake Charles

Photography Techniques

Helping Dana and Patrick find natural poses was crucial. I used off-camera flash for balanced lighting, which highlighted their features against the rich textures of the room. This technique was key in capturing the emotional depth and dynamic of their relationship.

Woman posing for a intimate portrait session in downtown Lake Charles

The Final Portraits

The portraits tell a visual story of Dana and Patrick’s enduring connection. The images portray an intimacy and strength that shine against the historical backdrop, capturing both their love and the beauty in the room's imperfections.

Reflections from Dana and Patrick

Their reaction to the final images was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. They loved them, remarking that the photographs were magazine-worthy. Their feedback was a rewarding affirmation of the shoot’s success.


These portraits exemplify the transformative power of creative photography. It’s about more than just capturing images; it’s about the experience, the exploration, and the stories forged. I hope viewers appreciate the art of blending real-life moments with artistic expression, adding a deeper layer to the concept of portrait photography.

Up close photo of a woman and husband smiling during a photo shoot
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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Professional Headshots and Branding Photography in Lake Charles: Capturing Your Business Identity

In today’s digital-first world, the initial handshake often happens through a screen. The impression you leave on your potential clients or partners is captured in the pixels of your headshot and the essence of your branding imagery. As a business owner in Lake Charles, you understand the need to stand out — and that's where professional headshots and branding photography come into play.

Jordan Sellers looking at his phone dressed in a suit

Meet Jordan, a marketing coach and guru, whose dedication to his craft is only matched by his vibrant personality. Jordan understood the importance of aligning his visual identity with his branding strategy. This led us to collaborate on a photo session aimed at capturing the professional yet approachable essence of his personal brand.

A professional headshot of the client with a confident smile, suited up, symbolizing professionalism

Your professional headshot is more than just a photo; it’s your digital ambassador in the business world. It conveys your professionalism, your brand’s ethos, and even your company's culture. This is exactly what we aimed to encapsulate in Jordan’s photoshoot. We sought to mirror the excellence he brings to his marketing strategies with crisp, clean, and confident headshots.

As a seasoned photographer and videographer at Wildwoods Creative, my approach is to create a comfortable environment that encourages clients to showcase their authentic selves. This authentic representation is essential, especially in Lake Charles, where business is as much about personal connections as it is about professional expertise.

The value of professional photography for a business cannot be overstated. Whether it's for LinkedIn, your company’s website, or social media platforms, a headshot is often the first interaction someone has with your brand. In Jordan’s case, these images are now part of his online narrative, the story he shares with every potential client and connection.

But it's not just about the headshots. Branding photography takes things a step further. It's about capturing the essence of your business in a way that words alone cannot convey. It's about telling a visual story that resonates with your audience and gives them a glimpse into the heart of your business operations and values.

In Lake Charles, a city teeming with growth and entrepreneurial spirit, setting yourself apart with professional branding images is not just recommended, it’s essential. And as your local photographer and videographer, I’m here to help you make that indelible mark.

If you're ready to elevate your professional image and showcase your brand’s identity, reach out to Wildwoods Creative. Together, we’ll craft a visual narrative that speaks volumes before you even say a word.

Are you ready to elevate your professional presence in Lake Charles? Your image is a cornerstone of your brand, and it's crucial to project the essence of your expertise with confidence and clarity.

At Wildwoods Creative, we specialize in crafting headshots and branding visuals that speak volumes. Transform the way you're perceived in the marketplace with photographs that are as ambitious and forward-thinking as you are.

Distinguish yourself from the crowd. Connect with me for a tailored photography experience that captures the spirit of your brand and the professionalism of your presence. Let's create the visuals that will propel your brand forward. With Wildwoods Creative, your next chapter begins with imagery that tells your story.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

The Art of the Image: Model Photography with a Creative Twist in Lake Charles

Model sitting amidst ethereal clouds of white smoke against a dark blue background, creating a dreamy and contemplative atmosphere.

As a creative photographer in Lake Charles, I often get asked what goes into creating images that stand out. The secret? It’s not just about the camera or the lens; it’s about vision, connection, and the art of seeing. Here's an insider's look at a recent model shoot that encapsulates the essence of creative photography.

Crafting the Narrative with Visual Storytelling

In a world saturated with images, the narrative behind each photo becomes its heartbeat. During this model shoot, I focused on capturing more than just a pretty face; I aimed to tell a story. Whether it's the confident gaze that challenges the viewer or the relaxed pose that invites introspection, each element is a word in the visual story I'm telling.

Connection: The Invisible Thread

Close-up of a model with wet black hair and piercing eyes, resting her chin on her hands, exuding a strong and confident gaze against a muted gray background.

The connection between photographer and model is an invisible thread that weaves through the entire shoot. It's this rapport that allows for spontaneous moments of magic — when a look, a gesture, or an expression aligns perfectly with the mood you’re trying to capture. As a creative photographer, I see this interaction as a dance of mutual trust and inspiration.

The Creative Touch: Why Lake Charles Chooses Wildwoods Creative

A woman in a white sports top and ripped blue jeans poses with her hands in her hair, sitting on a white cube against a dark background with artistic square light patterns, reminiscent of the contemporary styles found in Lake Charles's vibrant photog

In Lake Charles, where the spirit of creativity flows as richly as our bayous, standing out as a creative photographer means bringing something unique to the table. At Wildwoods Creative, it's not just about capturing images; it's about creating an experience that is as distinctive as the subjects I photograph.

Light, Camera, Emotion!

A smiling young woman with black hair adjusts her hair with her hand, wearing a cropped brown sweater with large polka dots and high-waisted jeans. She is standing against a soft gray backdrop with a bokeh light pattern that adds a playful touch

Lighting is my paintbrush, and with it, I sculpt the mood of each photograph. I use light to accentuate emotions, to highlight character, and to dramatize the setting. It’s about finding that sweet spot where shadow and light coalesce to enhance the narrative.

The Backdrop of Imagination

A creative photograph shows multiple exposures of a woman seated in dark clothing, creating a ghostly effect with four overlapping images against a dark background.

Choosing the right backdrop is essential in creative photography. It sets the stage for our story. For this shoot, I opted for simplicity — a neutral backdrop that ensures all attention is riveted on the model. In Lake Charles, where the culture is colorful and vibrant, sometimes the most powerful statement is one of understated elegance.

Creative Photography: A Collaboration of Artistry

Black and white photo of two women in Calvin Klein attire, with shadows creating a checkered pattern, taken in a setting that suggests the artistic flair of a Lake Charles photographer.

Each model shoot is a collaborative journey. It's about listening to the subject, understanding their vision, and translating it through my lens. This collaboration is what breathes life into the photos and what makes Wildwoods Creative a go-to for those who seek not just a picture, but a piece of art.

Your Vision Through My Lens

Are you looking for a portrait that tells your story, a headshot that captures your essence, or a creative session that pushes the boundaries? As a creative photographer in Lake Charles, I am here to bring that vision to life. Let’s create something extraordinary together.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Capturing Memories in Lake Charles: The Fautherree Family Portrait Session at Lorraine Bridge

It's not just about the pictures, it's about the stories they tell. This is what I had in mind when I met the Fautherree family at the charming Lorraine Bridge in Hayes, LA — a perfect canvas for our family portrait session.

Fautherree family laughing together during their portrait session on Lorraine Bridge in Hayes, LA

The Fautherree's day out took a peaceful turn on the Lorrain Bridge, where history met their harmonious stride. This age-old connector was more than wood and nails; it was a quiet witness to their familial harmony.

Confident young girl posing with her family on a rustic bridge at Lorraine Park, Lake Charles, showcasing family bonds and natural beauty.

I always encourage families to choose a location that resonates with them, and for the Fautherrees, Lorraine Bridge was a place that mirrored their connection with nature and each other. As a family photographer in Lake Charles, I aim to turn these ordinary moments into extraordinary memories — capturing the unspoken love and the fleeting instances that define a family.

In every shot we took, the Fautherrees were not just posing for a photo; they were pausing time, encapsulating the essence of what it means to be a family — the shared smiles, the gentle embraces, the spark of childhood wonder.

Candid family moment on a log near Lorrain Bridge, Hayes, LA, with father and son engaging in a playful activity as mother and daughter watch with affection.

So, what’s your family's story? I’m here to help you tell it, to create a visual narrative that you’ll look back on for years to come. If you’re in Lake Charles or the surrounding areas and you want to capture the heart of your family, Wildwoods Creative is at your service.

Book Your Family Session with Wildwoods Creative

It's time to create your own memories. Reach out to book your session with Wildwoods Creative. Whether it’s at Lorraine Bridge or your special spot in Lake Charles, let’s make your family photoshoot a fun, memorable experience.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Understanding Your Brand: It’s More Than Just a Logo

A business man holding a guitar in lake charles

Have you ever thought about what the term 'brand' really means? You might instantly picture a logo or a catchy slogan, but trust me, it’s way more than that. Imagine your brand as the face of your business – it’s the first thing people notice and the last thing they remember. But it’s not just the outer layer; it’s got a lot of depth to it.

Consider your brand like a person. A person has a name and a face, sure, but they also have a personality, values, and a reputation. That’s what your brand is – it’s not just a name or a design, but it's also about what you stand for, how you connect with people, and what people say about you when you're not around.

And just like people, brands also make promises – and they need to keep them, too! Because every time your brand keeps a promise, it earns trust. And let's be real, in the world of business, trust is everything.

So, if you’ve ever caught yourself wondering why your brand matters or if it’s worth investing time into, you’ve come to the right place. In this post, we’re going to delve into what a brand truly is, why it's way more than just a pretty logo, and how it could be your secret weapon to business success. Buckle up, because we're about to take a deep dive into the world of branding.

What Is a Brand, Anyway?

Brent Stantz State Farm in Iowa, LA

Okay, so let's start at the beginning. What is a brand, really? You might think it’s just a unique name or a cool logo that distinguishes a business from its competitors. And yeah, that's a part of it, but there's a whole lot more to the story.

You see, a brand isn’t just a name on a sign or a logo on a business card; it's like a living, breathing entity with its own personality. It's the feeling people get when they hear your company's name, it's their expectations when they walk into your store or click onto your website, and it's the memorable experiences they have with your products or services. It's that little emotional spark that jumps into people's minds when they think about your business.

Imagine you're at a party. You see a familiar face across the room – it's someone you've had good experiences with before. You know them, you like them, and you trust them. That’s what a well-established brand feels like to customers.

So, while a brand does include tangible things like a name, a logo, or a color scheme, it's also heavily defined by the intangible – the experiences, emotions, and expectations of your customers. Your brand lives in everyday interactions with your customers, in your emails, in the promise you deliver through your products or services, and in the minds of the audience you serve.

Pretty cool, right? Branding is not just about differentiating your business from the competitors, but also about making meaningful connections with your customers. And that's what we're really aiming for. Because when you connect on that level, your brand stops being just a name and a logo, and becomes a part of people's lives.

The Tangible and Intangible Aspects of a Brand

A business woman holding her book during a photo shoot in New Orleans, LA

Okay, let's dive a little deeper into this whole 'brand' thing. Remember how we said a brand is made up of both tangible and intangible elements? Let's break that down a bit.

First up, the tangible stuff. These are the things you can actually see, touch, or otherwise perceive with your senses. This includes your logo (the symbol that represents your brand), your brand name (the word or words people use to identify your business), your color scheme (the specific set of colors associated with your brand), your packaging, and even the way your store or office looks and feels.

But that’s just one side of the coin. The other side is the intangible stuff. This includes the feelings and emotions your brand inspires, the values it stands for, the experiences it offers, and the promises it makes (and keeps!). These are things you can't physically touch, but they're every bit as real and important as your logo or brand name. They're what turn customers into loyal fans and advocates.

Think of it like an iceberg. The tangible elements of your brand are the tip sticking out of the water – it's what people see first. But underneath the surface, there's a whole lot more going on. The intangible elements are the massive part of the iceberg hidden under the water, and they're what gives your brand its true weight and substance.

So while your logo and color scheme might catch someone's eye at first, it's the deeper, intangible elements that will make them stick around and keep them coming back for more. Because at the end of the day, people don't fall in love with logos – they fall in love with brands.

Why Does Branding Matter?

Audrey Schoen LMFT posing during her photo shoot in Nashville, TN.

You might be wondering: all of this talk about brands and branding sounds interesting, but does it actually make a difference? The answer is a resounding yes!

Branding is not just about having a snazzy logo or a clever tagline (although those things are important too). It’s about standing out in a crowded market, forging an emotional connection with your customers, and building and maintaining their trust. And trust me, this isn’t something to overlook – it’s the heart of why branding matters so much.

Branding can make or break your business. Let me explain. A strong, cohesive brand can make you instantly recognizable, differentiate you from your competitors, and can also make you seem more professional and reliable. When customers know and trust your brand, they’re more likely to choose you over competitors.

On the flip side, a weak or inconsistent brand can create confusion and mistrust. It can make it harder for customers to understand who you are and what you stand for. In the worst-case scenario, it can even turn customers away.

But when you get branding right? It can have a huge impact. It can create loyal customers who not only keep coming back but also become brand advocates. They're the ones who recommend your products or services to their friends, write glowing online reviews, and ultimately, help grow your business.

So, let's not underestimate the power of a strong brand. It's much more than just a marketing tool; it's a crucial element in your business strategy. Your brand is your promise to your customer, and it's what sets you apart from the rest. Now, isn't that something worth investing in?

It’s More Than Just a Logo: The Deeper Meaning of Your Brand

Katy Rozas from Lake Charles LA during her branding photo shoot

So, we've established that a brand isn't just a logo or a catchy tagline. It's something much deeper and more significant. But what exactly does that mean?

Well, let's think of your brand as an iceberg again. Your logo, your name, your colors – these are all important, but they're just the tip of the iceberg. What lies beneath the surface is the essence of your brand. It's the core values you uphold, the promises you make and keep, the way you interact with your customers, and the experience you consistently deliver. It's the deeper meaning behind your brand that resonates with your customers and keeps them coming back.

Your brand is the personality of your business. It’s how your business communicates, it’s the tone of voice used in your messages, it’s the emotion you stir in your customers when they think about your business, and it’s the impression that stays with them long after they've made a purchase.

A strong brand stands for something. Whether it's top-notch customer service, innovative products, social responsibility, or a commitment to quality, your brand's values and mission play a key role in defining how customers perceive you and whether they feel a connection to you.

The deeper meaning of your brand also manifests in the promises you make to your customers. These promises aren't just about the features or benefits of your products or services. They're about the overall experience customers can expect when they interact with your business.

In the end, your logo is just a symbol. It's the meaning behind that symbol - the experiences, emotions, values, and promises that it represents - that truly defines your brand. So remember, while a great logo is important, it's only the beginning of the story. The real magic happens beneath the surface.

Building a Brand That Resonates

So, we've talked about what a brand is, why it's more than just a logo, and why it's so important. But how do you actually go about building a brand that resonates with people? How do you create a brand that people connect with on an emotional level, trust implicitly, and choose over the competition time and time again?

Building a brand that truly resonates isn't a one-and-done deal. It's an ongoing process that involves getting to know your audience, consistently delivering on your promises, and always striving to exceed expectations.

The first step is understanding your audience. You need to know who they are, what they care about, what problems they're trying to solve, and what they value in a brand. This understanding will help you craft a brand message that speaks directly to them, and offer products or services that meet their needs.

Next, you need to clearly define your brand's values, mission, and unique selling proposition. What does your brand stand for? What makes you different from your competitors? Why should customers choose you? These are questions you should be able to answer clearly and succinctly.

But here's the thing: it's not enough to just talk the talk. You need to walk the walk, too. That means living out your brand values in everything you do, from the way you treat your employees and customers, to the way you conduct your business, to the quality of your products or services. Your actions should consistently reinforce your brand message.

And lastly, remember that building a brand is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to build trust and loyalty among your customers. But if you stay true to your brand values, consistently deliver on your promises, and continually strive to exceed expectations, you'll build a brand that not only resonates with people but also stands the test of time.

And there you have it! That's a little glimpse into the world of branding. As you can see, it's so much more than just a logo. It's the heart and soul of your business. And with a bit of time, effort, and consistency, you can build a brand that truly resonates.

Transforming Your Brand into a Visual Identity

We've talked a lot about the intangible elements of your brand - the emotions, the values, the promises. But how do you translate all of that into something visual? How do you create a visual identity that accurately represents your brand and resonates with your audience?

Your brand's visual identity is a key part of your overall brand. It includes your logo, color palette, typography, imagery, and any other visual elements that represent your brand. When done right, your visual identity should communicate your brand's personality and values at a glance.

Let's start with your logo. This is often the first thing people think of when they hear the word 'brand'. Your logo should be a unique and recognizable symbol that represents your brand. But remember, it's more than just a pretty picture - it should reflect the deeper aspects of your brand, like your values and mission.

Next, let's talk about color. Colors aren't just visually appealing - they also evoke emotions and have certain associations. For example, blue often signifies trust and reliability, while green is associated with growth and health. Choose colors that align with your brand's personality and the emotions you want to evoke in your audience.

Typography, or your choice of fonts, is another crucial part of your visual identity. Like colors, different fonts can also evoke different feelings and associations. For example, a traditional serif font might convey a sense of tradition and reliability, while a sleek sans-serif font might give off a modern, minimalist vibe.

Imagery is another aspect of your visual identity. This includes any photos, illustrations, or graphics associated with your brand. Your imagery should be consistent with your brand's personality and values, and should help to tell your brand's story.

Finally, remember that consistency is key when it comes to your visual identity. All of your visual elements should work together to create a cohesive look and feel that accurately represents your brand.

Creating a strong visual identity isn't just about making your brand look good - it's about making your brand feel real. It's about giving your audience something tangible they can connect with. And when done right, it can help to strengthen your brand, differentiate you from the competition, and create a memorable impression in the minds of your audience.

How Photography and Videography Can Amplify Your Brand

You've built your brand, you understand your audience, and you've crafted a compelling visual identity. Now, how do you take things to the next level? How can you make your brand stand out even more? The answer may lie in photography and videography.

In a digital world that's becoming increasingly visual, high-quality, professional photos and videos can make your brand pop and resonate deeply with your audience. But more than that, they can bring your brand's story, values, and personality to life in a way that words or static images alone can't.

First, consider photography. A picture is worth a thousand words, right? Quality photos can convey the essence of your brand, showcase your products or services, and give customers a glimpse into your world. They can evoke emotions, create a mood, and even tell a story.

Whether it's product photography that makes your items look irresistible, lifestyle photography that captures your brand's vibe, or behind-the-scenes photos that humanize your business, quality photography can significantly elevate your brand.

Now let's talk about videography. Videos can deliver a lot of information in a short amount of time, and in a way that's engaging and easy to digest. They can capture your audience's attention, keep them engaged, and leave a lasting impression.

Brand videos can showcase your products or services, share customer testimonials, offer a behind-the-scenes look at your business, or even tell your brand's story. They can evoke emotions, build trust, and create a deeper connection with your audience.

And here's the thing: photography and videography don't just make your brand look good - they also add credibility. High-quality, professional visuals show that you take your business seriously, which can instill confidence in your customers.

So if you're looking to amp up your brand, consider investing in professional photography and videography. They could be the missing pieces that take your brand from good to great.

Show, Don't Tell: The Power of Visual Storytelling

You've probably heard the old adage "Show, don't tell." It's a common piece of advice given to writers, but it's equally relevant for brands. When you can show your audience what your brand is about, rather than just telling them, you create a more immersive and memorable experience. And one of the most effective ways to do this is through visual storytelling.

Visual storytelling is exactly what it sounds like: telling a story through visuals. It can involve photography, videography, graphics, or any other visual medium. The key is to use your visuals to convey a message or tell a story that resonates with your audience.

Perhaps you're a therapist who's passionate about helping people overcome their challenges and reach their full potential. Instead of simply telling your audience this, why not show them? You could share before-and-after stories of your clients (with their permission, of course), create a video showing a day in your life, or use graphics to illustrate the process of personal growth.

Or maybe you're a photographer who specializes in capturing candid, authentic moments. Rather than just saying this, you could share a series of photos that tells a story. Maybe it's a story of a couple's love, a family's joy, or an individual's journey of self-discovery.

Visual storytelling allows your audience to see your brand in action. It's one thing to say that you're committed to customer service, but it's another to show your team going above and beyond for your clients. It's one thing to say that you create high-quality products, but it's another to show the careful craftsmanship that goes into each item.

By showing your audience what your brand is about, rather than just telling them, you create a more engaging and meaningful experience. You allow them to see the value in your products or services, rather than just taking your word for it. And in doing so, you build a stronger connection with your audience, which can lead to increased trust, loyalty, and ultimately, sales.

Remember: a picture is worth a thousand words, and a video is worth a million. So don't just tell your audience what your brand is about – show them.

Harnessing the Power of Social Media for Your Brand

Social media has evolved into a pivotal platform for businesses of all sizes to expand their reach, share their story, and build meaningful connections with their audience. It's not just about making an online presence; it's about creating a community that aligns with your brand's voice and values.

The first step is determining which social platforms your target audience frequents the most. If your demographic leans toward younger adults, Instagram and TikTok could be your platforms of choice. If you're targeting professionals or businesses, LinkedIn could serve as your primary channel.

Once you've identified the platforms that fit your brand, the next step is to formulate a social media strategy. This strategy should define the nature of the content you'll disseminate, the tone and style of your communication, and the frequency of your posts.

The essence of social media lies in its interactivity. It's not enough to regularly post content; you also need to engage with your audience. Respond to their comments, ask questions, initiate discussions. It's about creating a dialogue that fosters a sense of community around your brand.

Use visual content effectively. As a business owner, you can share images and videos that represent your brand's identity. This could include photos of your products, testimonials from satisfied clients, behind-the-scenes footage of your operations, or even short informational videos related to your industry.

While promoting your products or services on social media, it's vital to strike a balance. Yes, you should showcase your offerings through posts, stories, or paid ads, but ensure they provide value to your audience and align with your brand's voice. Avoid overly salesy content, as it might alienate your followers.

In essence, social media is a powerful tool for branding, but it needs to be wielded thoughtfully. By understanding your audience, sharing authentic content, engaging genuinely with your followers, and promoting your offerings strategically, you'll be well-positioned to enhance your brand's online presence.

Building a Strong Online Presence

In the digital age, having a strong online presence isn't just an option—it's a necessity. Your website is your digital storefront, and just like a physical location, it should be inviting, easy to navigate, and reflective of your brand.

Start with a website that not only looks good but also is functional. The design should resonate with your brand's identity and make it easy for visitors to find what they're looking for. Whether it's information about your services, your contact information, or your latest blog post, every element should be accessible with just a few clicks.

Next, think about SEO or Search Engine Optimization. This is all about making your website more visible to people who are searching for products or services like yours on search engines. It involves using relevant keywords in your content, optimizing website speed, making your website mobile-friendly, and more.

Content is key to a strong online presence. Regularly updating your website with valuable content, such as blog posts or articles, not only helps with SEO but also positions you as a thought leader in your industry. It shows that you're not just selling a product or service—you're also providing valuable information that can benefit your audience.

Social proof, like testimonials or reviews, is another powerful tool. When visitors see that others have had a positive experience with your business, they're more likely to trust you. Consider featuring customer testimonials on your website, or if you have been featured in media or received any awards, don't hesitate to showcase them.

Lastly, make sure your website is integrated with your social media platforms. This allows visitors to easily follow you on social media or share your content, further expanding your brand's reach.

In short, building a strong online presence requires a user-friendly website, SEO optimization, valuable content, social proof, and social media integration. With these elements in place, your brand will be well-equipped to thrive in the digital realm.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is the backbone of successful branding. It creates a cohesive experience across all touchpoints, from your website and social media platforms to your physical products or in-person services. When your brand is consistent, it becomes familiar, and familiarity breeds trust.

Begin with visual consistency. Ensure that your logo, color scheme, typography, and imagery are consistent across all platforms. This isn't just about aesthetics, but about creating a visual identity that your audience can instantly recognize. If you have a set of brand guidelines, stick to them. If not, now's a good time to create them.

Next, maintain consistency in your messaging. This covers everything from the language and tone of your communication to the core messages you convey about your business. Your brand should stand for something, and every piece of communication should reflect that. It could be excellence in customer service, innovation in your industry, or commitment to sustainability—whatever it is, make it clear and consistent.

Consistency also extends to the quality of your products or services. If you promise premium quality, every interaction a customer has with your brand should reflect that promise. This includes everything from the product itself to customer service and even how you handle complaints.

Lastly, be consistent in your brand's presence. This means regular engagement with your audience, whether it's through social media posts, newsletters, blog posts, or other forms of communication. Keeping your brand at the top of your audience's minds requires consistency in visibility.

Remember, brand consistency isn't about being rigid or inflexible. It's about creating a reliable and recognizable brand experience that your customers can trust. Consistency strengthens your brand, fosters loyalty, and ultimately, drives your business success.

The Role of Authenticity in Branding

In a world saturated with advertisements and businesses vying for consumers' attention, authenticity has emerged as a key differentiator. Authentic brands aren't just selling products or services; they're sharing a genuine story and fostering real connections with their customers.

To start with, an authentic brand aligns its actions with its words. If your brand champions sustainability, for instance, your business practices should reflect this commitment. If you promote excellent customer service, your team should be trained and motivated to deliver on that promise consistently. Authenticity is about walking the talk.

It's also important to maintain transparency. This could involve sharing behind-the-scenes glimpses of your operations, openly discussing your business values, or being honest about areas where you're striving to improve. Today's consumers value businesses that are open and genuine, rather than those that seem perfect.

Moreover, authenticity involves showing a human side to your business. This could be as simple as sharing your founder's story or highlighting your team members on your website. It could also mean personally responding to customer queries on social media, rather than using automated responses.

Finally, remember that authenticity isn't a one-time thing. It's an ongoing commitment to being true to your brand's core values and delivering on your promises to customers. Authenticity isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. An authentic brand isn't just recognized—it's respected and trusted.

In sum, authenticity in branding isn't about following trends or making lofty claims—it's about being genuine, transparent, and true to your brand's essence. It's what enables real connections with your customers and sets your brand apart in the crowded marketplace.


Branding is a comprehensive and ongoing process. It's not just about having an appealing logo or catchy slogan—it's about defining your business's core values, creating a consistent visual identity, and establishing a strong and authentic connection with your audience.

Remember that successful branding isn't achieved overnight. It requires time, effort, consistency, and above all, authenticity. Be true to your brand's values and promise, and your audience will recognize and respect your authenticity.

At its heart, branding is about storytelling. It's about sharing the unique story of your business—what it stands for, what it offers, and why it matters. As you embark on your branding journey, keep this story at the forefront of your strategy.

By implementing the strategies discussed in this guide—understanding your audience, creating a strong visual identity, harnessing the power of social media, building a robust online presence, and prioritizing consistency and authenticity—you'll be well on your way to creating a compelling and impactful brand.

Remember, the strength of your brand can make the difference between merely surviving and truly thriving in the marketplace. So start your branding journey today, and watch your business grow.

As we wrap up this guide, remember that each step you take in your branding journey shapes the narrative of your business. Here's to using the strategies you've learned to craft a compelling, authentic brand that resonates with your audience and propels your business to new heights.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Lights, Camera, Action: Unveiling the Impact of Videography and Photography in Political Campaigns

In the digital era, where information is constantly at our fingertips, breaking through the white noise and reaching your targeted audience can often seem like trying to find a needle in a haystack. This is particularly true for political campaigns, where the competition is fierce, and the stakes are high. So, how does one rise above the cacophony and make a substantial impact? The secret weapon lies in leveraging the power of videography and photography.

An Overview of Political Campaigns

Before we delve into the heart of the matter, let's take a brief look at what a political campaign entails. A political campaign is an orchestrated effort designed to influence decision-making within a specific group. In the realm of democratic societies, these campaigns are typically tied to electoral processes, where representatives are chosen, or referendums are decided.

Political campaigns are complex operations, utilizing a wide array of strategic methods. These can range from impassioned debates and informative literature to spirited rallies and targeted online engagement. In today's digital age, strategies such as targeted social media campaigns, voter mobilization initiatives, and strategic placements of digital and traditional advertisements have become fundamental components of a successful campaign. Central to these activities is the essential task of fundraising, often regarded as the lifeblood fueling the entire campaign machinery.

Amid all these elements, the role of videography and photography often emerges as a game-changer. They personalize the candidate, narrate the candidate’s story in a compelling and relatable manner, and facilitate an authentic connection with voters.

Now, let's delve into how videography and photography can be the difference between a successful political campaign and one that struggles to gain traction.

The Magic of Visuals

As humans, we are visual creatures. Our brains are wired to process and respond to visuals much more powerfully than text or sound. In fact, research suggests that people remember 80% of what they see and do, compared to only 20% of what they read and 10% of what they hear. This innate preference for visuals makes videography and photography incredibly powerful tools in the arsenal of political campaigns.

A well-crafted video or a compelling photograph can cut through the information overload, delivering the campaign's message with striking clarity and emotional resonance. This impact is typically more lasting and influential than a text-based message. It's no wonder then that candidates who make effective use of videography and photography often see more success in their political campaigns.

When we consider the power of persuasion in political campaigns, visual content is at the forefront. It allows voters to see the candidate in action, observe their body language, hear their tone of voice, and even gauge their sincerity. These visual and auditory cues can significantly affect how the candidate's message is perceived and received, making videography and photography crucial in the persuasion process.

The Wide Net of the Internet

The digital age has revolutionized how we communicate and consume information. With the advent of the internet, a video or a photograph can transcend geographical boundaries and time zones, reaching an unimaginably wide audience. With just a few clicks, your political campaign message could echo in every corner of the world, making it an indispensable tool in your campaign strategy.

The use of social media platforms and video sharing websites has dramatically expanded the reach of political campaigns. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube have billions of active users worldwide, making them ideal avenues for disseminating campaign messages. Moreover, these platforms come with built-in tools for audience engagement, such as comments, shares, likes, and reactions, further amplifying the campaign's reach.

By leveraging the power of the internet, videography and photography can drastically increase a campaign's visibility. They can bring the campaign message to potential voters right in their homes, on their daily commute, or even during their lunch break at work. The internet makes it possible for a single video or photograph to be viewed millions of times over, creating an impact that traditional media could only dream of achieving.

Moreover, the internet offers a unique opportunity for campaigns to reach out to specific demographic groups. Using analytics and targeted advertising, campaigns can pinpoint their message delivery to the audience they most want to influence. This could mean targeting young voters with a video on college affordability, or engaging seniors with a photograph highlighting the candidate's stance on healthcare. The ability to cater content to specific audience segments makes the internet an incredibly powerful tool in the hands of political campaigns.

The democratic nature of the internet also empowers voters, giving them a platform to voice their opinions, engage with the campaign, and even share content within their networks. A single share by a voter can put your video or photograph in front of hundreds, even thousands, of new viewers. This ripple effect can exponentially increase a campaign's reach and influence.

However, it's important to remember that with great reach comes great responsibility. In the age of "fake news" and disinformation, it's crucial for political campaigns to maintain integrity in their messaging. Visual content, while powerful, must represent the truth and uphold the values that the campaign and candidate stand for. After all, building trust with voters is paramount to a successful campaign.

The Personal Touch

While the power of persuasion and the vast reach that videography and photography provide are undeniably important, they also offer something uniquely human - the ability to establish a personal connection. A well-shot video or an emotive photograph allows voters to see and hear the candidate firsthand, fostering a sense of familiarity and trust that is hard to achieve through text-based messages alone.

When voters see a candidate talking about the issues they care about, when they see them visiting local communities, or even just sharing a light-hearted moment with their team, it creates an emotional bond. It helps to humanize the candidate, showcasing their character and personality in a way that words often fail to capture. This ability to strike an emotional chord with voters is one of the primary reasons why videography and photography have emerged as essential tools in political campaigns.

Crafting Campaign Narratives

Political campaigns are, in essence, a storytelling exercise. The candidate's story, their values, beliefs, and vision for the future form the central narrative around which the entire campaign is built. Videography and photography are uniquely suited to this narrative-building exercise.

A well-produced video can weave together different elements – from the candidate's public addresses and interactions with voters to behind-the-scenes glimpses of the campaign trail – to tell a compelling story. It can present a holistic picture of who the candidate is, what they stand for, and why they deserve the voters' trust.

Similarly, a carefully curated set of photographs can narrate the campaign's story, capturing pivotal moments, candid interactions, and the raw emotions that often permeate the campaign trail. They offer a snapshot of the campaign's journey, evoking a sense of involvement and investment among voters.

Making a Lasting First Impression

First impressions matter significantly in politics. When potential voters see a candidate for the first time, it's likely through a campaign video or photograph. Their initial perception of the candidate, based on this visual content, can significantly influence their subsequent views and decisions.

A low-quality video or a poorly framed photograph could create an unfavorable impression, casting doubts about the candidate's professionalism and seriousness. On the other hand, a well-produced video or a professionally shot photograph can make a powerful first impression, sparking curiosity and interest among potential voters.

Videos and Photos Are Shareable

The social media age has further emphasized the importance of creating content that's easy to share. And nothing fits this bill better than videos and photos. They're not just consumable but highly shareable, increasing the likelihood of your campaign message reaching a wider audience.

When a video or photo from your campaign goes viral, it doesn't just reach more people; it also generates buzz and conversations around your campaign, further boosting visibility and engagement.

The Versatility of Visual Content

Another significant advantage of videography and photography is their versatility. They can serve multiple purposes within a political campaign, from making campaign announcements and delivering policy speeches to issuing debate challenges and rallying voter participation.

Whether you're looking to inform, persuade, mobilize, or inspire, there's a video or photo format that can help you achieve your objective. This versatility, coupled with the emotional impact and wide reach of visual content, underscores the crucial role of videography and photography in political campaigns.


In an age where information is abundant, and attention spans are short, political campaigns need to deliver their message effectively and memorably. Videography and photography are potent tools in this endeavor, helping campaigns to connect with voters, communicate their message, and build trust on a personal level.

With their capacity to persuade, their wide reach thanks to digital platforms, their ability to add a personal touch, and their potential to help craft a compelling narrative, videography and photography are reshaping the landscape of political campaigns. The use of visual content offers candidates an opportunity to make a powerful first impression and create an emotional connection that can influence voters' decisions.

Moreover, the shareability of videos and photographs, particularly on social media platforms, allows campaigns to reach a wider audience, sparking conversations, and encouraging engagement. The viral nature of visual content can significantly amplify a campaign's reach and influence.

Lastly, the versatility of videos and photographs gives candidates the flexibility to utilize these tools for a variety of purposes – from introducing themselves to voters and explaining their policies to challenging opponents and motivating supporters. Regardless of the specific objective, visual content can play a pivotal role in achieving campaign goals.

To sum up, videography and photography have emerged as critical components of modern political campaigns. Their impact goes beyond simple messaging and enters the realm of storytelling, persuasion, and connection-building. By investing in high-quality visual content, political campaigns can not only reach a broad audience but also resonate with them on a deeply personal level.

As our digital age evolves, it will be intriguing to see how political campaigns continue to leverage the power of videography and photography to connect with voters, communicate their messages, and ultimately, influence the outcome of elections.

Therefore, if you are running for office or orchestrating a campaign, remember the adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words." Investing in high-quality videography and photography is no longer a luxury; it's a necessity. It can spell the difference between an ordinary campaign and a memorable one that resonates deeply with the electorate, propelling you towards your desired political goal.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

The Not Your Typical Psychotherapist Summit: A Unique Convergence of Therapy and Photography

Ernesto Segismundo—Host

As both a licensed therapist and an experienced headshot photographer, I’ve always been fascinated by the connection between these two fields. This unique connection was never more evident than during my time at the Not Your Typical Psychotherapist Summit in Nashville, TN.

This unique summit was a meeting of the minds like no other. It assembled an extraordinary group of therapists, many of whom were not just involved in therapy but also running their own entrepreneurial ventures. This event celebrated the diversity of therapists and reminded us that therapists, like their clients, can also be multifaceted individuals with unique perspectives to share.

Headshot of Audrey Schoen, LMFT, showcasing her unique personality and confidence

My session with Audrey Schoen, LMFT, was a standout experience at the summit. Audrey's enthusiasm and vibrancy were evident from the moment she stepped in front of the camera. She was eager to express her distinct personality through her headshots and was brimming with confidence. This desire to stand out from the crowd was something I worked to capture in her photos, creating headshots that truly reflect Audrey's unique essence.

Headshot of therapists and couple, Rick and Monique Elgersma, radiating love and connection

Another poignant session was with Rick and Monique Elgersma, a couple who are also therapists specializing in couples therapy. Their love for each other was palpable and beautifully informed their professional photos. The headshots captured their mutual respect, affection, and the warm connection they share, traits that make them incredibly effective in their therapy work.

Scene from the Not Your Typical Psychotherapist Summit, showing the energy and engagement of the event

The summit was a whirlwind of energy and inspiration. Each photo session allowed me to delve deeper into the individual stories of the attendees, and each one brought a new understanding of the vibrant professional landscape these therapists navigate. As a headshot photographer for therapists, my dual insight into the worlds of therapy and photography was invaluable in capturing the true spirit of each participant.

The Not Your Typical Psychotherapist Summit was a testament to the breadth and diversity in the field of therapy. It highlighted the personal and professional journeys of therapists and emphasized the importance of individuality within a profession often seen as monolithic. If you're a therapist seeking to express your unique professional identity through a headshot, or an event organizer wanting to encapsulate the essence of your event through photography, I’d be delighted to collaborate and bring your vision to life.

Ernesto Segismundo, LMFT

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Shining a Spotlight on Cleaning by Design: A Lake Charles Gem

There are many elements that go into creating a compelling promotional video. Capturing the essence of a brand and telling its story effectively is a challenge I relish as a business videographer. Recently, I had the pleasure of working with a local company in Lake Charles that stands head and shoulders above the rest in its industry: Cleaning by Design.

Cleaning by Design isn’t just your average cleaning company. They cater to both residential and commercial clients with a level of service that is second to none. Driven by a commitment to provide the best service possible, they also believe in paying their employees what they’re truly worth. It’s this ethos that sets them apart.

The promotional video I crafted for Cleaning by Design offers a glimpse into their unique approach and the broad range of services they offer. The video begins with an intimate interview with the owner, who speaks passionately about their mission to redefine the cleaning industry in Lake Charles.

The video continues with b-roll shots of dedicated staff members cleaning a home, demonstrating their attention to detail and commitment to providing a superior service. These scenes bring the owner’s words to life, showing the tangible impact of their services on local homes and businesses.

As a business videographer, I’m dedicated to helping Lake Charles companies like Cleaning by Design share their stories and connect with their audience. If you’re a local business looking for a unique and compelling way to promote your services, I’d love to help bring your story to life.

And if you’re seeking a cleaning service that truly cares about both its customers and employees, look no further than Cleaning by Design.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Headshot Magic at Brent Stantz State Farm in Iowa, LA

There’s a sense of gratification in capturing the perfect headshot. It’s a unique blend of lighting, backdrop, and above all, personality, that makes a truly memorable photograph. I recently had the pleasure of bringing my craft to the offices of Brent Stantz State Farm, where I was able to showcase my new portable backdrop and deliver some fantastic headshots of their dedicated team.

Brent Stantz State Farm isn’t your average insurance office. Located right here in Lake Charles, LA, this team goes above and beyond to ensure that their clients are taken care of. Their commitment to service is unparalleled, making them the best agents in the area.

As a business photographer, my goal is to showcase not just the professionalism of the individuals I photograph, but the spirit of their work. Whether you’re an established company in Lake Charles or a burgeoning start-up, professional headshots can elevate your brand and establish a deeper connection with your clients.

Visiting Brent Stantz State Farm and witnessing their client-first approach was an inspiring experience. It’s not every day that you come across a team that is as committed to their clients as they are. If you’re in need of insurance in the Lake Charles area, I highly recommend giving them a visit.

Inspired by these professional headshots? Why not book a session for your own team? Elevate your brand’s image with high-quality, professional photographs that tell your unique story.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Capturing Thrills at the Chennault International Air Show in Lake Charles, LA

U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds performing at Chennault International Air Show

Last weekend, the skies of Lake Charles, LA were alive with the roar of jet engines and the gasps of the thrilled crowd. The Chennault International Air Show made its return, and as a local photographer, I had the unique opportunity to capture the excitement and precision of this spectacular event.

Held in Lake Charles for over a decade, the Chennault International Air Show is a cherished local tradition. This year, I was honored to be hired by CBS to photograph the spectacle, allowing me to contribute to the local storytelling of this major event.

Action shot of Army Golden Knights parachuting at Lake Charles air show

The U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, the air show's main attraction, did not disappoint. The precision and synchronicity of these world-class pilots are truly a sight to behold. I focused on capturing action shots with my new Sony A7RV and Sony 70-200GMii lens. Each photograph is a testament to the extraordinary skill and courage of these pilots, frozen in time thanks to the superb performance of my equipment.

Another thrilling moment came when I used my Sigma 150-600mm Sport lens to capture the Army Golden Knights in action. This lens brought the far-off action right into the foreground, allowing me to capture the intensity and precision of their performance.

In my work, I always aim to tell a story. The story of the Chennault International Air Show is one of awe, precision, and community pride. Through my lens, I strive to reflect these narratives, connecting viewers to the soul of these events.

Being a part of this event, capturing its essence in images, was an incredible experience. And the best part? There are more stories to tell, more events to cover right here in Lake Charles, LA.

Stay tuned for more updates, and remember – in this bustling city, there's always a story waiting to be told.

Equipment Used:

  • Sony A7RV

  • Sony 70-200GMii lens

  • Sigma 150-600mm Sport lens

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

The Dos and Don'ts of Video Marketing for Therapists


Video marketing has become an essential part of digital marketing strategies, and therapists can leverage its benefits to reach a wider audience and create a lasting impact on their clients. However, as with any marketing technique, there are certain dos and don'ts that you need to keep in mind to ensure the success of your video marketing campaign.


  1. Know your audience: Before creating any video content, it's important to understand your target audience. What are their pain points? What are they looking for? What are their interests and hobbies? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can create video content that resonates with them and addresses their specific needs.

  2. Keep it short and sweet: Attention spans are short in the digital world, so it's essential to keep your videos short and to the point. Ideally, your videos should be no longer than 2-3 minutes. If you have a lot of information to convey, break it up into smaller videos or use subtitles to make it easier for viewers to consume.

  3. Showcase your expertise: Video marketing is an excellent way to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Create videos that showcase your knowledge and expertise, and position yourself as a thought leader in your industry. This will help build trust with your audience and create a lasting impression.

  4. Be authentic: Authenticity is key when it comes to video marketing. Don't try to be someone you're not or create content that doesn't align with your brand values. Be true to yourself, and your audience will appreciate it.

  5. Include a call-to-action: Every video should have a clear call-to-action that tells your viewers what to do next. Whether it's to visit your website, subscribe to your channel, or book an appointment, make sure it's clear and compelling.


  1. Don't make it all about you: While it's important to showcase your expertise, don't make your videos all about you. Remember, your audience is looking for solutions to their problems, so make sure your content addresses their needs and pain points.

  2. Don't forget about quality: Poor quality videos can damage your brand reputation and turn off potential clients. Invest in good quality equipment and editing software to ensure your videos look professional and polished.

  3. Don't be too promotional: While the ultimate goal of video marketing is to drive business growth, don't make your videos too promotional. People don't like being sold to, so focus on creating value-driven content that educates and informs your audience.

  4. Don't neglect SEO: Video content is a powerful SEO tool, so make sure you optimize your videos for search engines. Use keyword-rich titles, descriptions, and tags, and include a transcript of your video to make it easier for search engines to crawl your content.

  5. Don't forget to measure your success: Finally, it's essential to measure the success of your video marketing campaign to understand what's working and what's not. Use analytics tools to track metrics such as views, engagement, and conversions, and use this data to refine your video marketing strategy.

In conclusion, video marketing for therapists can be an incredibly powerful tool to reach new clients and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. By following these dos and don'ts, you can create effective video content that engages your target audience and drives traffic to your website. So, start creating compelling videos today and watch your business grow!

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

The Power of Emotional Storytelling in Your Therapy Practice Videos

Using Storytelling to market your therapy practice

As a therapist, you have the incredible opportunity to impact people's lives by helping them navigate their emotional challenges. But how can you make sure that your message is heard loud and clear? One powerful tool at your disposal is emotional storytelling.

Emotional storytelling allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level by sharing personal anecdotes that evoke strong emotions. By opening up and sharing your own experiences, you can create a sense of trust and empathy with your viewers. This, in turn, can help them feel more comfortable opening up to you and seeking the help they need.

One of the key benefits of emotional storytelling is that it can make complex ideas and theories more relatable and understandable. Instead of talking in abstract terms, you can use concrete examples to illustrate your points. For example, if you're discussing the impact of childhood trauma on adult relationships, you might share a story about a client who struggled to trust their partner due to a traumatic experience in their past.

Another benefit of emotional storytelling is that it can help you stand out in a crowded market. There are countless therapists and mental health professionals out there, but not all of them are using emotional storytelling to engage their audience. By incorporating this technique into your videos, you can create a more memorable and impactful message that will help you stand out from the crowd.

So how can you incorporate emotional storytelling into your therapy practice videos? Here are a few tips to get you started:

  1. Be authentic. People can tell when you're not being genuine, so make sure that you're sharing stories that are true to your own experiences.

  2. Choose stories that are relevant to your audience. Think about the types of challenges that your clients are facing and try to find stories that will resonate with them.

  3. Use emotion to your advantage. Share stories that evoke strong emotions, such as fear, sadness, or joy. These emotions can help your viewers connect with your message on a deeper level.

  4. Keep it concise. You don't need to tell a long, drawn-out story to make an impact. Focus on the most important details and keep your videos short and sweet.

Incorporating emotional storytelling into your therapy practice videos can be a powerful way to connect with your audience and make a lasting impact. So don't be afraid to open up and share your own experiences – your viewers will thank you for it.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

5 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Essential for Therapists

5 Reasons Why Video Marketing is Essential for Therapists - this is a title that caught my attention, and I understand why it would catch yours too. As a therapist, you aim to provide the best possible services to your clients, and you want to reach out to more people who need your help. Video marketing can be a powerful tool to achieve these goals, and we are here to explain why.

Why Video Marketing is Essential for Therapists in Private Practice - this is a title that caught my attention, and I understand why it would catch yours too. As a therapist, you aim to provide the best possible services to your clients, and you want to reach out to more people who need your help. Online marketing can be a powerful tool to achieve these goals, and we are here to explain why.

Video humanizes your brand

As a therapist, your brand is your reputation. Video allows you to showcase your personality, your approach, and your values on your therapy website as well as the mission of your private practice. It's an opportunity for potential clients to get to know you before they even meet you and for you to reach your ideal client. You can create a video introducing yourself, explaining your expertise, highlight your therapy services, and even providing a virtual tour of your practice. This humanizes your brand and creates a sense of trust with your audience.

Video boosts engagement

Studies have shown that video content is more engaging than any other type of content marketing. This is because video is more stimulating for the senses and can evoke emotions in a way that written content cannot. By creating video content, you can captivate your target audience and build trust. This increases the chances of them reaching out to you and booking an appointment.

Digital marketing videos improve your SEO

Search engines prioritize video content over other types of content. This means that by incorporating video into your website, you can improve your search engine rankings. Not only can you rank higher in the search engines, but you can rank create useful backlinks to your therapy practice website. This makes it easier for potential clients to find you when they search for therapists in your area. Additionally, video content is more likely to be shared on social media, which can further increase your online visibility.

Video educates your audience

As a therapist, you have a wealth of knowledge that you can share with your audience. By creating educational videos, you can establish yourself as an authority in your field and provide value to your audience. For example, you can create videos on mental health topics, stress management techniques, or even provide tips for self-care. This not only helps your audience but also positions you as a trusted expert in your field.

Video is versatile

Video content can take many forms, from live streams to pre-recorded videos. This means that you can create video content that fits your brand and your goals. You can create short videos for social media marketing or longer, more in-depth videos for your website or youtube videos. You can also repurpose video content into other formats, such as blog posts or podcasts. This versatility allows you to create a comprehensive content strategy that includes video. Videos can also be a helpful addition to google ads and email marketing strategies as well, as it gives your subscribers new content vs. just reading the same emails. I have to say that not all video is just for social media, but if you aren't using video on your social media accounts, you are missing out! In conclusion, video marketing is an essential tool for therapists. It allows you to humanize your brand, boost engagement, improve your search engine optimization, educate your audience, and create versatile content. If you're not already incorporating video into your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

From Awkward to Awesome: How to Feel More Comfortable on Camera

If you're like most people, the thought of being on camera is enough to make you break out in a cold sweat. The idea of being recorded, watched, and potentially judged by others is just too much to handle. But what if we told you that you could go from awkward to awesome on camera? Yes, it's possible! With a few simple tips and tricks, you can feel more comfortable and confident in front of the lens.

Understanding Your Nerves

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room: your nerves. Feeling anxious about being on camera is completely normal, and even experienced actors and presenters feel this way. The key is to understand that nerves are not your enemy. They're simply a sign that your body is preparing for something important. So instead of trying to fight your nerves, embrace them. Take a deep breath, smile, and remind yourself that you've got this.

Preparation is Key

One of the best ways to feel more comfortable on camera is to be well-prepared. This means knowing what you're going to say, how you're going to say it, and what you're going to do. Start by writing a script or outline of your key points. Practice your delivery in front of a mirror or with a friend. This will help you feel more confident and less likely to stumble over your words.

Dress for Success

What you wear on camera can also have a big impact on your confidence levels. Choose an outfit that makes you feel comfortable, confident, and professional. Avoid clothing with distracting patterns or logos that could draw attention away from your message. And don't forget about grooming! Make sure your hair and makeup are on point, so you look and feel your best.

Find Your Angle

Another way to feel more comfortable on camera is to find your best angle. This means experimenting with different camera positions and angles to see what works best for you. Try sitting or standing in different positions, adjusting the camera height, and playing with the lighting. You'll be surprised at how much of a difference this can make.

Speak Naturally

When you're on camera, it can be tempting to try to sound more polished or professional than you actually are. But this can actually work against you. Instead, aim to speak naturally and conversationally. Pretend like you're talking to a friend or family member, and let your personality shine through. This will help you connect with your audience and come across as more authentic.

Practice Makes Perfect

Finally, the best way to feel more comfortable on camera is to practice, practice, practice. The more you do it, the more natural and effortless it will feel. Start by recording yourself on your phone or webcam and reviewing the footage. Take note of what worked well and what you could improve on. Then, keep practicing until you feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera.

So there you have it, our top tips for going from awkward to awesome on camera. Remember, feeling nervous or anxious is completely normal, but it doesn't have to hold you back. With a little bit of preparation, the right mindset, and some practice, you can feel confident and comfortable in front of the camera. So go out there and show the world what you've got!

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

How to Use YouTube to Promote Your Therapy Practice


As a therapist, you may be struggling to get your name out there and attract new clients. While word of mouth is still a powerful tool, you need to find ways to reach a broader audience. YouTube is an excellent platform for promoting your therapy practice, and we'll show you how to make the most of it.

Why YouTube?

YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world, with over 2 billion active monthly users. This means that there's a massive audience waiting for you to share your expertise and knowledge. Additionally, YouTube videos rank well on Google, so if you optimize your content correctly, you could get more visibility and attract more clients.

Creating Your Channel

Before you start creating content, you need to set up your YouTube channel. Your channel is where you'll upload your videos and interact with your audience. Here's how to create your channel:

  1. Sign in to YouTube with your Google account.

  2. Click on the user icon in the top right corner.

  3. Click on "Create a Channel."

  4. Enter your channel name, and you're done!

Optimizing Your Channel

Your channel should look professional and welcoming. Here are some tips on how to optimize your channel:

  1. Use a high-quality profile picture and cover image that reflects your brand.

  2. Write an engaging channel description that tells people what your channel is about.

  3. Organize your videos into playlists so that people can find what they're looking for easily.

  4. Add links to your website and social media accounts.

Creating Your Videos

Now that you've set up your channel let's move on to creating your videos. Here are some tips on how to create engaging videos that will attract clients:

  1. Focus on your niche. Pick a specific topic related to your therapy practice and create videos around it. For example, if you specialize in couples therapy, create videos on how to improve communication in relationships.

  2. Keep it short and sweet. Attention spans are short, so aim to keep your videos between 2-5 minutes long.

  3. Use storytelling. People love stories, so use anecdotes to illustrate your points.

  4. Be personable. Show your personality and be relatable. People want to connect with you, so be yourself.

  5. Use visuals. Use images or graphics to illustrate your points.

  6. Optimize for SEO. Use relevant keywords in your title, description, and tags.

Promoting Your Videos

Once you've uploaded your videos, it's time to promote them. Here are some tips on how to get more visibility and attract more clients:

  1. Share your videos on social media. Post your videos on your Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.

  2. Embed your videos on your website. Embedding your videos on your website will not only help with SEO but also make it easy for people to find your videos.

  3. Collaborate with other YouTubers. Find other YouTubers in your niche and collaborate on videos.

  4. Engage with your audience. Respond to comments and questions, and ask for feedback.

  5. Use paid advertising. If you have the budget, use YouTube ads to get more visibility.

YouTube is an excellent platform for promoting your therapy practice. By creating engaging videos that showcase your expertise and personality, you can attract more clients and grow your business. Remember to optimize your channel and videos for SEO, promote your videos on social media, collaborate with other YouTubers, and engage with your audience.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Why Video Marketing Should Be a Top Priority for Every Therapist

As a therapist, you aim to expand your reach and provide valuable services to more people. Video marketing is one of the most effective ways to achieve this. In this article, we will guide you on creating an efficient video marketing strategy for your therapy business that can surpass other websites in Google.

Understanding Video Marketing for Therapists Before delving into the specifics of video marketing, it's crucial to comprehend what it entails and why it's significant for therapists. Video marketing involves creating and promoting videos that highlight your services, showcase your expertise, and engage with your target audience. As a therapist, video marketing can aid you in:

  • Connecting with potential clients in a more personal and engaging manner.

  • Demonstrating your expertise and professionalism to your audience.

  • Showcasing your unique approach to therapy and differentiating yourself from other therapists in your locality.

  • Building trust with your target audience by providing them with valuable information and advice.

Creating a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Therapy Business Now that you understand the importance of video marketing for therapists, let's talk about how to create a winning strategy that can outrank other websites in Google. Here are the key steps you should follow:

Step 1: Identify Your Target Audience

The first step in creating a successful video marketing strategy is to identify your target audience. Who are the people you want to reach out to with your videos? What are their pain points, goals, and interests? By understanding your target audience, you can create videos that are tailored to their needs and interests.

Step 2: Define Your Goals and Objectives

Once you've identified your target audience, the next step is to define your goals and objectives for your video marketing campaign. What do you want to achieve with your videos? Do you want to increase your website traffic, generate leads, or promote a specific service? By setting clear goals and objectives, you can measure the success of your campaign and adjust your strategy as needed.

Step 3: Create High-Quality Videos

The success of your video marketing campaign largely depends on the quality of your videos. To create high-quality videos, you should:

  • Invest in good equipment, such as a high-quality camera and microphone.

  • Use a well-lit and soundproofed environment for recording.

  • Write a clear and engaging script that highlights your key message and offers value to your target audience.

  • Use visuals, such as graphs, charts, and animations, to make your videos more engaging and informative.

Step 4: Promote Your Videos

Creating great videos is just the first step. To get your videos in front of your target audience, you need to promote them through various channels, such as:

  • Your website and blog

  • Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter

  • Video sharing platforms, such as YouTube and Vimeo

  • Email newsletters and marketing campaigns

Step 5: Measure Your Results and Adjust Your Strategy

Finally, it's important to measure the results of your video marketing campaign and adjust your strategy as needed. Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic and conversion rates, and use feedback from your audience to improve your videos and content.

In conclusion, video marketing can be a powerful tool for therapists looking to connect with their target audience and promote their services. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can create a winning video marketing strategy that outranks other websites in Google and helps you achieve your business goals. Keep your target audience in mind, create high-quality videos, and promote your videos through various channels to reach a wider audience.

Join our group just for therapists for all things video marketing related for tips and tools to making better videos, and support!

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

From Zero to Hero: The Camera-Shy Entrepreneur's Journey to Social Media Stardom

Sarah's biggest hurdle was creating marketing videos, which she knew were essential for promoting her business. But every time she stood in front of the camera, she froze, overcome with self-doubt and insecurity. She would stumble over her words and become visibly uncomfortable on camera, leading to poor-quality videos that didn't reflect her true passion for her products.

As a new entrepreneur, Sarah had always been passionate about her business, but marketing was an entirely different ballgame. She struggled with creating effective marketing campaigns and constantly second-guessed herself, doubting whether her products were good enough to sell.

Sarah's biggest hurdle was creating marketing videos, which she knew were essential for promoting her business. But every time she stood in front of the camera, she froze, overcome with self-doubt and insecurity. She would stumble over her words and become visibly uncomfortable on camera, leading to poor-quality videos that didn't reflect her true passion for her products.

One day, Sarah stumbled upon a small business marketing workshop that focused specifically on creating engaging marketing videos. The workshop was being led by a successful entrepreneur who had faced similar struggles with marketing and video creation in the past.

As she listened to the speaker's advice and tips, Sarah began to realize that her fear of being on camera was merely a mental block that she had created for herself. She learned that authenticity and passion were the most critical elements of a successful marketing video, and that being oneself was the key to connecting with potential customers.

With newfound confidence, Sarah decided to take a leap of faith and create a video that showcased her products and her personal story. She spoke from the heart, telling her audience about her struggles with marketing and her passion for her business.

To her surprise, the video was a hit. Customers responded positively to Sarah's authenticity and were excited to support her business. Sarah's confidence grew with each new video she created, and her business began to thrive.

In the end, Sarah realized that the only thing holding her back was her own self-doubt. By facing her fears and embracing her authenticity, she was able to create effective marketing campaigns and connect with customers in a meaningful way.

The Camera-Shy Entrepreneur had finally found her voice, and her business was all the better for it.

If you're an entrepreneur struggling with marketing and the fear of being in front of the camera, let Sarah's story be your inspiration. Use her journey as fuel to overcome your own fears and start creating authentic marketing content that showcases your passion and expertise.

Remember, authenticity is the key to connecting with your audience. You don't need to be perfect or have all the answers to make a great video. Just be yourself, speak from the heart, and trust that your audience will respond to your sincerity.

Don't let self-doubt and insecurity hold you back from achieving your entrepreneurial dreams. Take that first step towards creating marketing content that truly represents your brand and connects with your audience. Whether it's a video, blog post, or social media post, let your voice be heard and your story be told.

As Sarah discovered, success is not just about making money. It's about making a positive impact on the world, and the first step towards doing that is by sharing your story and connecting with others. So go ahead, get in front of the camera, and let your light shine!

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

From Couch to Camera: A Therapist's Guide to Successful Video Marketing

In today's digital age, it's essential for therapists to have an online presence. With more people turning to the internet for advice and guidance, video marketing is an effective way to reach a wider audience. However, making the transition from a comfortable couch to the intimidating camera can be daunting for many therapists. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of video marketing for therapists and provide a step-by-step guide to creating successful video content.

Why Video Marketing is Essential for Therapists

Video marketing is a powerful tool for therapists to connect with potential clients. Video content allows therapists to showcase their expertise and personality, which can help build trust and rapport with potential clients. It also provides an opportunity to educate viewers on mental health topics and share valuable advice and insights.

In addition, video marketing can help therapists establish themselves as thought leaders in their field. By creating informative and engaging content, therapists can position themselves as experts in their area of specialization. This can help attract new clients and foster credibility within the industry.

Creating a Successful Video Marketing Strategy

Now that we've established the benefits of video marketing for therapists, let's dive into how to create a successful video marketing strategy.

Define Your Audience

The first step to creating successful video content is to define your target audience. This will help you tailor your content to their specific needs and interests. Consider factors such as age, gender, location, and interests when defining your audience.

Determine Your Goals

Next, determine your goals for your video marketing strategy. Are you looking to increase your client base, establish yourself as a thought leader, or simply provide educational content to your audience? Understanding your goals will help you create more targeted and effective content.

Develop Your Content Strategy

Once you've defined your audience and goals, it's time to develop your content strategy. This includes determining the types of content you'll create, such as educational videos, personal stories, or interviews with other experts. It also includes creating a content calendar to ensure that you're consistently producing new and engaging content.

Choose Your Equipment

While it's important to create high-quality video content, you don't need expensive equipment to get started. A simple smartphone or webcam can be sufficient for creating effective video content. However, if you're looking to take your video content to the next level, consider investing in a high-quality camera and microphone.

Plan Your Production

Before you start filming, plan out your production. This includes writing a script or outline, choosing a location, and considering lighting and sound. Taking the time to plan your production will help ensure that your content is professional and engaging.

Edit Your Content

After you've filmed your video content, it's time to edit it. Use video editing software to trim your footage, add music and graphics, and adjust the lighting and sound. This will help ensure that your content is polished and professional.

Promote Your Content

Once you've created your video content, it's important to promote it to your audience. Share your videos on social media, embed them on your website, and consider running paid ads to reach a wider audience. This will help ensure that your content is seen by potential clients and establishes you as an expert in your field.


In today's digital age, video marketing is essential for therapists looking to connect with potential clients and establish themselves as thought leaders in their field. By following the steps outlined in this guide, therapists can create effective and engaging video content that resonates with their audience. So don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and start creating video content today – your clients (and your business) will thank you for it!

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Inspiring the People of Lake Charles to Persevere

As a photographer, I strive to capture the beauty and spirit of Lake Charles, Louisiana. I am passionate about conveying a story through my lens, where I can bring out the resilience of the people who have faced unimaginable adversity in the past two years.

Every photograph I take is an opportunity to show the beauty, the strength, and the courage of this amazing city. I want to show the world that, despite hardships, Lake Charles has not only been able to survive but to continue to thrive. Through my photographs, I hope to inspire people to keep moving forward and never give up.

I take my job as a photographer very seriously. I want to do more than just take pictures. With each shot I take, I want to convey a message and evoke emotion. I want to create something meaningful and powerful that will linger in the minds of my viewers.

I want to tell stories of hope, of courage, and of resilience. Stories of those who, despite hardships, continue to remain positive and optimistic. I want to show the courage and strength of the people in my city, and to demonstrate that anything is possible.

My goal as a photographer is to make an impact. To inspire, to encourage, and to spread love and positivity. To show that no matter how hard life gets, with hard work and determination, anything is possible. That’s why I strive to be different, to capture moments that will inspire others, and to tell stories that will remain in the hearts of many.

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Brent Woods Brent Woods

Enhancing Your Therapy Practice with Professional Photography and Videography: Using Visual Storytelling to Connect You with Your Clients

Over the past two years, I have developed a niche as a photographer and videographer for therapists. I understand the importance of building meaningful connections with clients and believe that visual storytelling is an effective way to do so.

As a therapist myself, I know firsthand the power of using imagery and emotive storytelling to connect with clients on a deeper level. That's why I have focused on helping other therapists to create stunning photos and videos that showcase their personalities and effectively convey their message to their clients.

Using professional photography and videography services can be a powerful tool for therapists looking to enhance their online presence and better connect with their audience. Having high-quality photos and videos on a therapist's website and social media channels can help to establish credibility and build trust with potential clients. Professional visuals can also help to differentiate a therapist from their competition and make their online presence more visually appealing and engaging.

In addition to the aesthetic benefits, using professional photography and videography can also help therapists to more effectively convey their message and brand identity to their audience. By working with a specialist in this field, therapists can ensure that their visuals accurately represent their values and goals as a therapist, and effectively communicate this to their clients.

Overall, investing in professional photography and videography services can be a valuable investment for therapists looking to enhance their online presence and better connect with their audience.

In today's digital age, it is more important than ever for therapists to have a strong online presence. By using high-quality photos and videos, therapists can effectively communicate their message and build trust with their clients.

If you are a therapist looking to create stunning visual content to connect with your clients and stand out online, I encourage you to consider working with a photographer or videographer who specializes in working with therapists. The right visuals can make all the difference in building meaningful connections and achieving your goals as a therapist.

Don't wait any longer to take your online presence to the next level. Contact me today to learn more about how I can help you create amazing photos and videos that showcase your personality and effectively connect with your clients.

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