
Brent Woods Brent Woods

Between Love and Art: Dana and Patrick's Lake Charles Portrait Session

Couple kissing while posing for a photo shoot in Lake Charles

While browsing Facebook, I discovered a listing for an old building in downtown Lake Charles. One room in particular captured my imagination – it looked untouched by time, offering a striking contrast for an elegant photoshoot. This setting, a fusion of the old and the emerging, seemed aptly reflective of Lake Charles itself, especially in its rebuilding phase post-Hurricane Laura.

The Couple's Story

Dana and Patrick have been a couple for more than the decade I've known them. Their relationship is characterized by a deep, quiet strength, evident in their mutual understanding and respect. It’s a love that’s communicated not in words, but in their actions and the subtle ways they connect.

Up close photo of couple kissing

Conceptualization of the Shoot

The goal was to encapsulate elegance amidst the rustic charm of the building. Dana and Patrick played a vital role in this creative process. Their choices in outfits and styling significantly influenced the shoot, ensuring it mirrored their personal taste and the unique theme we envisioned.

Woman looking out of a window in downtown Lake Charles while on a photo shoot

Location and Setting

We chose a specific room for the shoot, which stood out for its distinct character, vastly different from any studio. The room's aged walls and historical feel added depth to the photos, creating an authentic and intriguing atmosphere.

Landscape image of an abandoned room in downtown Lake Charles

Photography Techniques

Helping Dana and Patrick find natural poses was crucial. I used off-camera flash for balanced lighting, which highlighted their features against the rich textures of the room. This technique was key in capturing the emotional depth and dynamic of their relationship.

Woman posing for a intimate portrait session in downtown Lake Charles

The Final Portraits

The portraits tell a visual story of Dana and Patrick’s enduring connection. The images portray an intimacy and strength that shine against the historical backdrop, capturing both their love and the beauty in the room's imperfections.

Reflections from Dana and Patrick

Their reaction to the final images was overwhelmingly enthusiastic. They loved them, remarking that the photographs were magazine-worthy. Their feedback was a rewarding affirmation of the shoot’s success.


These portraits exemplify the transformative power of creative photography. It’s about more than just capturing images; it’s about the experience, the exploration, and the stories forged. I hope viewers appreciate the art of blending real-life moments with artistic expression, adding a deeper layer to the concept of portrait photography.

Up close photo of a woman and husband smiling during a photo shoot
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